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Acoustics As a Service: a project from the future

Innovation along with humanity

We are proudly part of the AAS Project (Acoustics As a Service), founded by the European Union as part of Re-Centre, the european innovatio initiative.

Acoustics As a Service is an innovation project that applies circular economy concepts in order to extend products´life expectancy without harming the enviroment all at once. Giving products another life of use makes possible not only to avoid producing new products, and therefore having the need of new materials, but also making the business still having profit out of it by changing the core brand idea from selling to «renting», from product itself to provide a service.

Under the European Union fund, and along with Inèdit as partners, Absotec is developing a whole new business area to keep it up to this project. The perfect candidate to build this service is our acoustic booth, since it has all the requirements needed: it can be transported, can be assembled and dismantled anywhere and has the perfect qualities to be able to measure the time of use.

It also couldn´t be a sustainable project if we would not foster the decarbonisation of Absotec’s business model by ensuring that products and materials remain in efficient use throughout their life cycle. Our main goal is to offer a more democratic solution to noise, making anyone able to enjoy the noisless life all of us deserve, becoming a forerunner in the sector by establishing alternative patterns of production and consumption.


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